It’s that time of the year again, if you follow me on my intsagram stories, you know that every now and then I will share some of my favourite podcast episodes. I go on walks daily – at least I try to. When I’m on my walks, I use this time to listen to podcasts. I’ve been a longtime podcast consumer and I’ve been able to develop a unique taste for all sorts of styles and content.

My 2019 podcast round up was one of my earlier posts on this blog. I’m so glad that I’m now able to bring you a 2020 list (lets hear it for longevity). You’ll notice that there are some repeats on this list which is just a testament to how great some of these podcasts are.

FYI this list is in no particular order or ranking:

1. The Daily

Sure enough, this podcast has made it on this list again. I must say, when the pandemic first developed this was the podcast that really did a great job reporting on it and did so pretty early. If you’re struggling with keeping informed with the latest news, I encourage you to check this podcast out.

I love the style of reporting. It is well done and informative, very easy to listen to especially if you’re not particularly a political junkie. I will usually listen to these on my walks, during the BLM protests this was a great resource for those that wanted to really educate themselves on becoming a better ally to their black and coloured friends and loved-ones.

2. Do No harm

My sister got me onto this one, so I must give credit where it is due. This is an 8 episode series by Wondery (love Wondery podcasts) that is about child protective services, the medical system, the justice system and race (thats all I will disclose). Many real and relevant topics here but the story is just so well done. I don’t like “date-line”-like editing but the way this was done was so captivating without it appearing too theatrical so I really enjoyed that. The recordings were also real recordings and not reenactments for the most part which really made the story authentic and raw.

3. Blogging Unscripted

As I really became a serious “content creator” and “blogger” I decided to do some exploration into the podcast world in my free time to figure out how I can better myself in this new venture. I found this podcast that I love. It is not new but the information is so valuable and is STILL relevant. Danielle Gervino is a long time blogger (who also works a full time job) and she put out this podcast in early 2019 about everything you need to know about blogging and making it a business. She is a veteran blogger and has a wealth of information to share for those that are starting out. I have learned so much from her series.

4. How to Money

This is another favourite from last year and even more important during such a hard time for a lot of people in terms of navigating both money and work during a pandemic . If you are really trying to be fiscally responsible this year, podcasts are a great way to start. Matt and Joel (the hosts of this podcast) are down to earth and not “shame-y” and “judge-y” when they talk about money which is truly refreshing. They also answer listener questions about saving, spending investing and other ways to cut costs. 

5. Duolingo

This one is kind of a wild card but it is worth noting. If you are into languages or want to improve your (french or spanish) listening skills this is a great way to start. I took french for many years in school but I am by no means fluent. The duolingo podcast is so great for those who want to improve their understanding and comprehension. Each episode is a separate story told in both english and french/spanish. Because parts of the story is told in one language and others are told in another it really helps with providing context. This is a great resource for those who are learning french or want to brush up on their skills. The stories are also real and pretty interesting!

Image result for i not a monster podcast

6. I’m not a Monster

This is sort of cheating since I actually discovered this podcast at the end of 2020 and it has note yet concluded (there is one episode left to be released as I am writing this). Anyway, this is a very interesting story of an American woman who takes her family to Syria to follow her husband who joins ISIS. She is now serving time in a federal penitentiary. She recounts her version of the events and the reporter does a great job of fact-checking her story and uncovering things that make make her story both confusing but interesting. That is all I will disclose and I don’t spoil it. I found this podcast on the charts; it was trending at the time. It is pretty well done and the reporting must have spanned over a number of years (I find these are the best ones; good things take years). 

7. The Former Lawyer Podcast

This is another gem I discovered this year. Working from home has really made a lot of us question our professions and careers. This podcast has really provided me with hope. Although I have no intention of leaving law in the immediate future, I don’t intend on being a lawyer forever and that is completely okay. This podcast follows different former lawyers who leave law to pursue their passions. These guests speak about their experiences in law, what they didn’t like, what they did, what has helpful during this transition for them and share their own advice. If you are a lawyer (of even if you aren’t but are looking to pivot your career) this is a great resource. 

And that concludes my 2020 round up. I am always looking for some good podcasts (series or not) so please feel free to leave a comment with your personal suggestion and I will be sure to check it out. I have already received a couple of suggestions and have already began my list for 2021. If you want a more “real time” review of episodes go ahead and follow me on instagram, I usually share note-worthy episodes in my stories during my daily walks. 

4 Comments on My Favourite 7 Podcasts of 2020

  1. This is a great roundup. I love listening to podcasts when I’m doing mindless tasks around the house like washing dishes or folding clothing. I have been obsessing over a few different blogging podcasts as of late as they push me to look at my own efforts in a different light. That being said, I haven’t listened to the one that you suggested. I just followed it on Spotify so that I can check it out.

    • Thanks for commenting! I am also always looking for some good blogging podcasts to challenge myself and inspire me in my own blogging endeavours 🙂

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