If you have followed me on instagram, you know that I have been going through my own exploration journey to better my mental health. After going through my own tough time, I’ve been putting in the work in the last few months to better my mental health. There are certainly various ways to do this – for the young professional I know that work can often be high stress and demanding and sometimes prioritizing your mental health can be extremely difficult. However similar to flossing and exercising on a regular basis the investment is worth the reward.

Here are some practical and accessible ways you can integrate some practices and habits in order to improve and take care of your mental health. There are things you can find at your local bookstore, online or even through your employer.

I was never really a big proponent of affirmation cards. Admittedly, this was something my sister suggested to me. It’s essentially are a deck of cards that you can purchase and perhaps keep in your desk or your purse. They are so helpful because they do not require a screen, I’m sure this is available through some sort of app as well but I do think that the exercise of going through these physical cards really helps you connect with the words and meaning behind the affirmation without potentially being side tracked by an email notification or a phone call. You can find affirmation cards at your local book store or online. 

I like to start my day reading a few of these affirmation cards (which I keep on my desk) before a start my day. They help put me a in a good mind set for a productive day. The affirmation can be empowering and uplifting and can also really help if you are feel particularly uninspired or fatigued. I totally recommend picking up a deck and trying this out. I will usually go through a 3-4 affirmations in the morning and pick the one I resonate with the most that day and prop it up on my desk against my monitor as a reminder throughout the day.  

Books have often been overlooked and have become less and less popular especially for the busy young professional. I think self help books and wellness books with short chapters are the best because you can read a few pages a day without feeling like you’ve spent a lot of time doing so. There are also other options these days to consume written material such as audio books which you can certainly listen to while you are cleaning on the weekends or while on walk. 

The book I am currently reading as I mentioned in one of my recent instagram posts and that I am thoroughly enjoying is “101 essays that will change the way you think” by Brianna West. The chapters are super short and its such an easy and insightful read. I have learned so much from this book and it has really challenged my way of thinking and how I deal with my emotions. I have the kindle version but when I am finished I will be purchasing a hard copy so that I can highlight and bookmark it and make notes. I also think this is a type of book that you can totally re-read several times. 

A few other books that have been suggested to me – which are great for those who are grieving as well are the following: 

On Death and Dying by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

It’s OK that You’re Not OK by Megan Devine

If you have any suggestions for wellness, self improvement or grief books please feel free to leave them in the comments below. 

In a day and age where mental health resources are becoming more and more accessible, I find that counselling and therapy are becoming more prominent and are easier to find than ever. If you are going through something or just want to maintain your own mental health and wellness I totally recommend consulting a psychologist or a counsellor to talk. Talking to someone can really help challenge your way of thinking and investigate how you deal with emotions and why you process things in a certain way. I urge you to reach out to any professional bodies that you may be a member of or even reach out to your employer to see if there are any services available to you. 

For lawyers in Ontario there is a free service called the Member Assistance Program and for those working at a firm or at a corporation, a lot of employers provide access to what’s called Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for their employers. EAP gets you in touch with a counsellor for a certain amount of sessions per year. I highly encourage you to explore what is available to you and even if these things are not available there are apps and programs that are accessible online for anyone to explore and take advantage of. Think of the cost as the most important investment – an investment in yourself. 

Mediations are also a great way to relax and practice mindfulness. Another element that really does help with your mental health. If you’re a beginner to meditation I recommend going on youtube or Spotify and searching up guided meditations. On Netflix there are also guided meditations by Headspace that I have done several times and that I quite enjoy. Another way to dip your toe into meditations is to practice yoga (again you can do a simple Youtube search for some good introduction videos). Its quite common that the first few times you may not appreciate the benefits of meditations but I find that repeating it and integrating it to your regular routine really does help you appreciate the benefits over time even if it is not instant. 

Lastly, podcasts are another great way to learn not just about the news and finances but about health and wellness. There are a ton of podcasts designed to help you reach a level of mental health and positive mindset that I have truly enjoyed. Podcasts are also very personal and I find that you may need to listen to a few episodes until you find one that you can really connect with. 

Here are some of my favourites that I enjoy:

Here is a bonus item: I hate to sound like a broken record but a simple outdoor walk can do SO MUCH for your mental health. It’s absolutely free, it can be as short or as long as you like and it’s such a great thing to do to clear your mind or break up your work day. You can certainly combine some of these things in order to get the most bang for your buck. For example, while you walk you can listen to a wellness book or a self improvement podcast or you can find a spot on a park bench and do a guided meditation. I know for a lot of us – even those of us working at home – it can be difficult to find some time in our day to do this but its so important to commit to these types of habits in order to reap the benefits of a healthy mindset.

I hope these 5 methods are helpful and become habits that you can integrate into your everyday life. It’s so important to value mental and emotional health as much as we do our physical health. 

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