I’ve always loved reading and writing and spend a lot of time attempting to perfect my grammar, and writing style in order to to be professional, sound smart and get goods grades.

Anyway, there are a few things that I have learned in the recent years that I have apparently been doing incorrectly which I have learned to overcorrect. Because of this I am hypersensitive to these things and it have become more aware of correcting these errors:

1. neither…nor

“The proposed treatment is not reasonable and not necessary”

“The corporation nor a representative of the corporation attended”

The above statements can be properly fixed with two simple words: “neither” and “nor”

The corrected versions of the above statements are:

“The proposed treatment is neither reasonable nor necessary”

Neither the corporation nor a representative of the corporation attended”

This is just a simple way to make these statements more succinct and accurate.

2. using “they” to refer to a Court or corporation/company/entity

“The corporation decided to terminate the employee, they decided his conduct was a violation of their policies”

“The Court decided to rule in favour of the Defendant, their opinion was as follows”

The “they” and “their” is used to refer to a corporation and the court which is incorrect. The proper pronoun is “it”.

The corrected above statements are:

“The corporation decided to terminate the employee, it decided his conduct was a violation of their policies”

“The Court decided to rule in favour of the Defendant, its opinion was follows”

3. being inconsistent with references

This is a big pet peeve and really tends to make a piece appear sloppy and can cause confusion. Referring to someone as “the Plaintiff” and then in another paragraph or even later in a sentence, referring to the same person as “Mrs. Smith” for example is just a big mess. Keep your references consistent, it makes your writing appear more streamlined and straightforward. I know this is an easy one but I have seen this mistake made too often.

These are just 3 simple and easy errors that I learned to correct and be conscious of in my writing and that I think is very helpful when drafting pleadings, written submissions or school assignments. Hope this is helpful!

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